Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Thief-in-Chief spams Creditnet

Western Capital logo

Of course, the moderators at consumers.creditnet.com deleted the whole post as soon as they saw it but it is preserved for posterity here on the Thief-In-Chief blog.

WC MAN WC MAN is offline

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Nationwide Credit Abuse Live in HD Video- NationwideCreditExposed.com

I have not posted on this forum for a while but due to the extreme circumstances surrounding our economy, I wanted to let everyone know of a video that we just released on Nationwide Credit and how they collect for American Express. This is a three part series, but by watching the first segment, you will get a clear picture of just how bad the Debt Collection Business has become.

The video is live in HD and is at Nationwide Credit Exposed dot Com Please repost this video site on other forums if you feel inspired. You can also watch the YouTube version in 3 segments by searching NationwideCreditExposed.com

Have Fun

cap1sucks cap1sucks is online now
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We don't deal with people like Mr. Robert Paisola.

That's a very interesting video by Mr. Paisola. It would particularly interesting to find out why the lady said
We don't deal with people like Robert Paisola.
Maybe we can find the answers to that question. Let us see what Mr. Steven Dark of the Salt Lake City Weekly has to say about Mr. Robert Paisola.
Read all the comments by angry people that still have no end to this day. Then see if you want him helping you with anything. No wonder the lady said they don't deal with people like Robert Paisola.
Then there is this comment from the RIPOFF REPORT web page

Why is it that people don't want to deal with Robert Paisola? Here is another reason why people don't want to deal with Robert Paisola

The address of the business Western Capital is
63 East 11400 South
Sandy, UT 84070
It is the address of a mailboxes etcetra store where Robert Paisola actually gets his mail. He doesn't live in Sandy, Utah but rather in an apartment owned by his sister several miles away from the Sandy, Utah address and not even in Salt Lake County.

While it certainly is an impressive video the fact is that he did nothing at all to help the lady. In fact, he most likely helped her get hit with a lawsuit he can't help her with either. Also notice how young most of the girls in the video appear to be. He has been banned from most places such as facebook, myspace and many others because he always ends up seeking friendships from very young girls and doing that is definitely against the terms and conditions of his parole as a violator of the Utah Sex Crimes Unit. He has been jailed so many times for his criminal acts and never seems to learn a thing How he escaped another conviction last fall is almost beyond comprehension. He went to jail last summer and just got released in September while they were trying to nail him on yet another violation of his parole and the registration requirements of the Utah State Sex Offenders Act.

Google his name and you will find out much more about this notorious criminal. He was on this very message board under the screen name of WESTCAP and then suddenly disappeared never to be heard from again until he got out of the Utah State Prison after serving his time on his last conviction.

I'm going to ask the moderators not to delete this thread because people need to be advised about this criminal so they don't fall victim to his never ending scams.

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